We are Mike and Stella Whyte. We started smallholding in beautiful North Shropshire over 25 years ago and have been running courses for 15 of those. Simultaneously, we have remained in full-time employment and raised two children.
In 2023, we relocated the whole farm to the Pembrokeshire/Carmarthen border, and we now offer courses from here. West Wales is a delightful place to visit for the day, weekend or week so why not combine a course with a few days away?!
We rear pedigree highland cattle, pigs, and sheep and also have horses. We sell heifers for breeding as well as jointed beef, pork and lamb direct from the farm gate and to local pubs. Mike is a part-time fencing contractor and we also make and sell hay.
We love to share our passion and our hard-earned knowledge with others, and run a wide range of smallholding courses for complete beginners or those with a little knowledge. Whether you are just considering a life of smallholding or have an acre (or 20 acres) that you would like to develop, you’ll find our courses fun, practical and informative.
“Never be afraid to try something new.
Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the Titanic.”
We work with a rough agenda on our courses but are conscious that it is YOUR day so we remain very flexible. Our aim is to answer all your queries and cover the aspects of smallholding most relevant to your situation.
We are happy to tailor-make courses (for a minimum of two people) and can be flexible on dates to suit you.
Lunch, refreshments and a copy of comprehensive lecture notes are included in the cost. We offer discounts for couples. We can recommend a range of accommodation options locally or can offer camping facilities if required. Mike is a qualified first aider.
Based on Pembrokeshire/Carmarthenshire border (SA34 0TT)
Text or WhatsApp: 07940 838674